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Tantsu töötuba ja tantsuetendus “Nonverbal”

L, 6. juuli - 14:00 - 17:00
nonverbal - print

Mis juhtub, kui kaks tantsukunstnikku, Tanja Rudenko (EE) ning Lea Schmidt (DE), pühendavad ühe nädala, et koos Hiiumaal mitteverbaalselt kunsti luua? Tule avastama…
14:00 töötuba
16:00 tantsu esitlus
Töötoas saad ise mitteverbaalse loomise ruumi kogeda. Tanja ja Lea seletavad enda töömetoodit ning aitavad läbi harjutuste loomingulise liikumisesse. Kui ilm lubab, siis on töötuba väljas.
Kell neli algab esitlus “nonverbal”. Tants, mis ühe nädala jooksul Mägede Talus Lea ja Tanja koostööst sündis. See on nende esimene jagamine nende viljast.
Pilet: annetuspõhine. Me palume ülevaade jaoks, ning et ikka kindlalt kohti jakkuks end eelregistreerida.
Info & eelregistreerimine: tatjana.rudenko@mail.com
What will occur, when two dance artists, Lea Schmidt (DE) and Tanja Rudenko (EE), emerge themselves in a nonverbal creating process for a week at a farm in Hiiumaa? Come find out…
14:00 workshop
16:00 sharing
During the workshop, you yourself are invited to experience a nonverbal movement space. Lea and Tanja explain their working method and give some exercises to come into movement and get creative non-verbally. The workshop starts at 14:00 and if the weather allows will take place outside.
At 16:00 the sharing of “nonverbal” will start. You can see the fruit of the one week co-creation, which occurred between Tanja and Lea during their residency at Mägede Talu. After the sharing, the dance artists are open to come into a talk.
Tickets are donation based. Please reserve a spot in advance, it not only helps us to prepare, but also secures that you indeed have a place.
Info & reservation: tatjana.rudenko@mail.com

L, 6. juuli - 14:00 - 17:00





Mägede talu
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