Suursadam harbour

Suuresadama küla

Scrolls mention Suursadam harbor for the first time as Sääre Sadam (Serle Ham) in 1593. In 1680 Dutchman Erasmus Jacobson built a bigger ship-building concern in Suursadama harbor. There were lime-furnaces nearby. The production of these lime-furnaces was sent to many ports of the Baltic Sea.
In 1848 a 358-ton bark (ship), “Hioma”, was built in this harbor. This sailboat was the biggest boat in Estonia in the 19th century. “Hioma” was the first sailboat that sailed over the equator in 1854 and around Kap Hoorn into the Pacific Ocean.
A big storehouse has been taken under protection as an architectural monument.


It is a waypoint on the journey

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