In addition to the unspoilt nature, Hiiumaa has plenty of places where visitors can get active themselves. Hiiumaa surprises with its diverse sporting opportunities. It’s no wonder, then, that Hiiumaa is home to a number of talented athletes such as Heiki Nabi and Martin Paasoja.
Outdoor training
If the weather is fine, you can run along the beautiful forest trails and the beach in Hiiumaa. In darker weather, it’s great to walk and run on the Paluküla health trail, as it’s floodlit.
If you would like to do some general physical training in the fresh air, there are several outdoor gyms in Hiiumaa.
Disc golf lovers will also find a number of opportunities to enjoy the fresh air and varied courses in Hiiumaa. You can play disc golf in Hiiumaa at Pühalepa disc golf park, Randmäe holiday resort, Palade, Käina and Hiiumaa’s newest Emmaste disc golf park.
Beach volleyball courts are located in Kärdla, Käina and Emmas. During the summer season, a temporary volleyball court is also open on the beach at Liivalauka.
Tennis enthusiasts can find a suitable practice court inKärdla, Emmas or Käina. In addition, there are 3 indoor tennis courts in the newly completed Hiiumaa Sports Centre for tennis lovers big and small.
Training indoor
The newest building in the Hiiumaa sports infrastructure is the Hiiumaa Sports Centre, which opened to visitors in October 2021. The sports hall offers excellent opportunities for a variety of sports. The sports facility has a full-size sports hall and spectator stands for up to 650 spectators. You can play football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton and table tennis, as well as group gymnastics. In addition, the centre has a modern gym and an athletics area with a 60m running track and a throwing area.
The Wind Tower in Käina has the tallest indoor rowing wall in the Baltics at 20 metres, with eleven lanes. It’s a great opportunity to conquer the mountains and test your courage!
In addition to the climbing wall, the Käina Sports Centreis also located in the same building as the Wind Tower, offering a range of sports facilities and the island’s only swimming pool. In addition to indoor training facilities, the centre also has a tennis court, basketball court and outdoor netball courts.
Motosport in Hiiumaa
In Käina you will find a new and freshly completed go-kart track! The first go-kart track was opened in Käina in 1991. The inaugural competition “Hiiumaa EPT Championships” was held on 18. August 1991. . 2021. A new 931m long go-kart track was built. You can read more about the development plans and the future of Käina Track on the Käina go-kart Trackwebsite.
Cross-country fans will be delighted by the Nurste cross-country track in Hiiumaa. In fact, there has been a cross-country track in Nurste since the early 90s, but in recent years the track has been modernised under the auspices of the MTÜ Hiiumaa Motoharidus. The track is suitable for both young and more experienced cross-country riders.