Hiiumaa Year of Literature 2022

31 May 2022

2022. The year is dedicated to literature in Hiiumaa. The Year of Literature was kick-started in 19. January – 80th birthday of Paul-Eerik Rummo, a writer of great importance to the people of Hiiumaa. birthday. With the Year of Literature, we would like to highlight writers, literary works and stories related to Hiiumaa, as well as encourage reading and writing. This year’s theme year in Hiiumaa also fits in well with the national Year of Libraries.

In addition to Rummo, there are two other anniversaries of writers connected with Hiiumaa this year – Ave Alavainu’s 80th and Tõnu Õnnepalu’s 60th. If we talk about writers associated with Hiiumaa in a broader sense, the list is enriched by Vaapo Vaher, Fred Jüssi, Marie Under, Julius Oengo, Jaan Kross, Ellen Niit, Viiu Härm-Rummo, Aino Kallas, Herman Sergo, Esta Aksli and others.

In the framework of the Year of Literature, a literary festival is held for the first time in Hiiumaa.

The aim of the theme years is to enhance the value of the people and places of cultural and historical significance associated with Hiiumaa through the concept of theme years and to link the cultural and tourism sectors. Each year, a theme or cultural area related to the anniversaries of Hiiumaa’s cultural people and places of cultural and historical significance is highlighted.


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