The church mansion of Reigi was established in the early 1700’s. Today’s building (which is the third main building at this location was built in 1775-1779 and is the second most remarkable baroque style building next to Suuremõisa palace in Hinimaa.
A novel by Aino Kallas – “The Pastor of Reig” (“Reigi õpetaja”) made this place very famous. The novel is based on true events that happened in the middle of the 17th century and the main characters the first minister of Reigi Paulus Andreas Lempelius, his wife Catharina and her lover Jonas Kempe were real persons.
Many important people, who had a great part in Estonian and the island’s cultural history, were involved with the Reigi Church Rectory. Jacob Marrasch, who is known from the history of hernhute, has worked here as a private teacher. David Gottlieb Glanstrom was born and raised here. He has translated the Estonian Peasantry Law. One of the ministers of Reigi Carl Forsman who was very favourable of education also established a hat industry that later spread to other parts of Hiiumaa, too. Gustav Feliks Rinne, another minister, started the music culture in Hiiumaa, His son Immanuel Rinne established the first public library of Hiiumaa.
It is a waypoint on the journey
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