Discover island Hiiumaa

Endless beaches, beautiful nature, tranquillity and the perfect holiday are waiting on Estonian island Hiiumaa

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Transport to and on the island

The ferries Tiiu and Leiger, christened after the heroes of Hiiu, sail from Rohuküla harbour to Hiiumaa, and the ferry Soela sails from Triigi harbour in Saaremaa to Sõru.

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On weekdays, flights depart from Tallinn and Kärdla 2 times – in the morning and in the evening. There are morning flights on Saturday and evening flights on Sunday.

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The county bus service is free for everyone. The right to drive is granted by a validation card or 0 ticket.

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Hiiumaa has four guest harbours: Kärdla, Sõru, Orjaku and Roograhu.

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It is possible to rent a car to get around Hiiumaa.

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Come and enjoy island life!

Rest and stay in Hiiumaa

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Hiiumaa E-shop

Here you will find goods made from local raw materials, handicrafts and design products made in Hiiumaa, souvenirs specific to our island, and many other products made with care and love by Hiiumaa people! The aim of the Hiiumaa e-shop, created in cooperation between NGO Hiiumaise Toidu and SA Hiiumaa Arenduskeskus, is to bring the produce of the island's farmers and small producers to the homes of Hiiumaa goods lovers all over Estonia. Thank you for supporting our island entrepreneurs and helping us make our dreams come true!

Hiiumaa E-pood